My goal when coaching is very simple, it is to fundamentally provide the necessary support for massive success while honouring the individuality of the person in front of me.
Our focus will be on you and the development of a co-dependant relationship. If we cannot achieve multiple times over the investment in your coaching then I have not achieved my goal.
Now there are some things you can’t put a price on and only you will be able to judge it’s value but the same holds true.
If you don’t believe the value of what we achieve together is 10 times the value agreed then we will keep our coaching going until you do, that is my guarantee.
What is the value of increased confidence, greater peace of mind, less stress, increased business and more? Once you have experienced it, you will know.
Very simply as part of our time together we will do just that, maybe not down to the pounds and pence but definitely so that we both appreciate the gravity of our work together.
Coaching is a 200% relationship, we are both in this together and need to show up at every interaction. Let’s take the next step on our onward journey.