What is Business Management Consulting?


In this post, I look at how leadership can require coaching skills in order to elicit the full potential out of your teams in the digital age. I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail. Abraham Maslow The...
Six Human Needs

Six Human Needs

Six basic human needs, that’s all. The theory is that we are always connected to at least one of them at any one time. Which ones are you connecting with? Certainty- the need for stabilityVariety- the need for stimulusSignificance- the need to be...
7 Master Steps- Step 4: Redefining the problem

7 Master Steps- Step 4: Redefining the problem

Following on from giving the problem a purpose we then move to a redefinition of the problem to hopefully take it from a negative to a positive. Something that we are all guilty of doing at times is focussing on the bad in a given situation which is especially so when...
7 Master Steps- Step 5: Create alternatives

7 Master Steps- Step 5: Create alternatives

Once we have redefined the problem the next step is to start creating alternative options which will ultimately lead to your new reality. It is very hard to start thinking about creating alternatives before we have performed all of the previous steps and this journey...
7 Master Steps- Step 6: Condition new behaviours

7 Master Steps- Step 6: Condition new behaviours

Once we have created our alternatives we then need to embed these in out conscious and carry out the work that will lead us to their fulfillment. It is universally true that to get a different result we must endeavor to do things differently and this is where our...