Coaching in the 21st Century

Coaching in the 21st Century blog
3 Feb, 2021

Gone are the days when coaching sessions had to take place in person with all the hassles of arranging a suitable time and venue that we could all get to in order to carry out the session.
These days there are numerous options to choose from which we can use to arrange and conduct coaching sessions. There are of course pro’s and con’s to having this flexibility and ease.

In lieu of a face to face meeting video conference is probably the next best alternative and given the rapid development of technology the quality of video and audio is astounding. In most areas connections are consistent and facilitate a good quality, consistent conversation.

There are some people who do have difficulties with their connections and in this case free calls can often be made internationally which facilitate the coaching session again with fantastic quality. As a worst case scenario it may be that to enable the call a traditional landline connection needs to be made but even these in this day and age are not astronomical in terms of their costs.

Outside of these real time connections there are of course other technologies such as email, text messages and instant messengers which can be used for more sporadic conversations.

Even given the use of modern day technology I still find it very useful where possible to have face to face engagement. Facilitating this may be difficult and costly but once we get beyond this the value and effects can be substantial.

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